Merchant Cash Advance
A Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your Business
Many businesses may have difficulty these days obtaining traditional loans or funding from a bank or credit union. Consequently, many are turning to alternative forms of lending. One such alternative is a merchant cash advance.
Here at Renaissance International Ventures, we are a leader in alternative forms of financing. Merchant cash advances are one of our more popular programs. Your business may qualify for up to $200,000 in merchant cash advance funding for each business location that you operate.
Here’s how it works: Your advance is taken against your business credit card account. It can be Visa, Master Card, American Express, or some other. You pay the advance back incrementally via your merchant account as you make sales.
Why You Should Consider a Merchant Cash Advance
As you consider merchant cash advances, here are a few reasons why they may be highly beneficial for your business:
- Your money arrives fast
- You can spend it any way you see fit for your business
- Paying back the advance is simple and hassle-free
- No collateral of any sort is required
- No application fee
- Minimal paperwork is required
Call Us Today
Our talented staff at Renaissance International Ventures is waiting for your call. Get the financing you need today. Keep your business on a growth track.